PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

          PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
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Indonesia Companies - Indonesia Industry Reports - Indonesia Trade Reports - Indonesia Bilateral Reports

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Related Tariffs and Trade Reports
Handheld computers including palmtops and personal digital assistants (PDAs). HS: 8471.30.10.00
Handheld computers including palmtops and personal digital assistants (PDAs). HS: 8471.30.10.00
Other. HS: 8471.41.90.00
Other. HS: 8471.49.90.00
Prosessing units for personal (including portable) computers. HS: 8471.50.10.00
Colour. HS: 8443.31.10.10
Other. HS: 8471.60.90.00
Other. HS: 8471.60.90.00
Hard disk drives. HS: 8471.70.20.00
Control and adaptor units. HS: 8471.80.10.00
Thermal fuses; glass type fuses. HS: 8536.10.10.00
Moulded case type. HS: 8536.20.10.00
Other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits. HS: 8536.30.00.00
For a voltage not exceeding 60 V. HS: 8536.41.00.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps. HS: 8536.50.61.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps; of a kind suitable for use in radio equipment. HS: 8536.69.31.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps; of a kind suitable for use in electric fans or in radio equipment. HS: 8536.90.31.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps; of a kind suitable for use in electric fan or in radio equipment. HS: 8536.90.21.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps; of a kind suitable for use in electric fans or in radio equipment. HS: 8536.90.11.00
Of a kind suitable for domestic use, having a rated current carrying capacity of less than 16 amps; of a kind suitable for use in electric fans or in radio equipment. HS: 8536.90.31.00
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Astra Graphia Tbk., PT
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Metrodata Electronics Tbk., PT
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Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk., PT
Skybee Tbk., PT
Visualindo Presentaprima, PT
Anabatic Technologies Tbk., PT
Aplikanusa Lintasarta, PT
Berlian Sistem Informasi, PT
Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk., PT
Cisco Systems Indonesia, PT
Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk., PT
IBM Indonesia, PT
Intel Indonesia Corporation
Limas Indonesia Makmur Tbk., PT
M Cash Integrasi Tbk., PT
Microsoft Indonesia, PT
Mitra Integrasi Informatika, PT
Mora Telematika Indonesia Tbk., PT
Multipolar Tbk., PT
Multipolar Technology Tbk., PT
Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk., PT
Pelita Teknologi Global Tbk., PT
Plasmedia, PT (Plexis Erakarsa Pirantiniaga, PT)
Pyramid Indosolution, PT
Tempo Data System, PT
Other Industry Players
Aba Sarana Lestari, PT
Indonesia Company Report
Last Update 24-August-2023
Major Businessline : Cable, Software package, EDP hardware and peripheral

PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya Building
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Selective Member’s Information US $ Select All
Address 0.66
Telephone number(s) [1] 0.22
Facsimile number(s) [1] 0.44
Email 1.00
Personnel (Director [2]) 1.10
Tax Number (NPWP) 0.77
Business Activity 0.44
Legality (Ownership Type) 0.39
Number of employees [12-May-16] 0.77
Additional Information 0.88
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