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K81112 - Public, Savings and Development Bank

Company News
Bank Sumut Books Rp.81.1 Billion Profit
Bisnis Indonesia, page B3 (23-August-2006)
Throughout the first semester of 2006, Bank Sumut managed to book a profit, before taxed, of Rp.81.8 billion, up 13.13 percent compared to last year’s Rp.72.3 billion. by June 2006, the bank managed to distribute credit in the amount of Rp.2.47 trillion, up from last year’s Rp.1.6 trillion. The bank has a total asset value of Rp.6.5 trillion and hopes to book a gross profit of at least Rp.150 billion by the end of the year.
Bank Sumut Yet to Share Dividends
Bisnis Indonesia, page B3 (26-June-2006)
PT Bank Sumut will share dividends with shareholders when the 20 percent share purchase from the central government by the regional government has been finalised. The regional government only needed a fund of Rp.161 billion (after previously having collected Rp.107 billion) to divest the central government’s shares. Per May 2006, the bank has booked a pre-tax profit of Rp.78 billion.

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Mr. Babay Parid Wazdi
Latest Updates 22-April-2024
Major Businessline : Bank

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Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
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